Une Clameur


Dominator, Pascal Rivet, bois peint, 2007/8 ©Pascal Rivet

One exhibition, 2 venues

Commissioned by the agglomeration of the Pays de Gex, the bermuda curatorial team has taken over two heritage sites: the Fort l’Écluse and Voltaire’s Château.

Formerly a military citadel overlook­ing the Rhône, the Fort l’Écluse is built into the mountainside at a strategic point between the Jura and Alpine mountain ranges. The fort dominates the Rhône and is located along the Col de la Cluse mountain pass that unites France and Switzerland, and through which travelers and goods have circulated for over eight centuries.

The bermuda ateliers were inaugu­rated in 2022, and are located halfway between these two spaces. Bermuda is a living space that includes ateliers and residency spaces, a place where artists can explore and create. A space forged with utopian ideals in defense of the work of artists, bermuda disseminates works and artifacts to exhibition sites, and provides residencies for artists in the municipality of Sergy, in the heart of the Pays de Gex, inviting them to work in situ, following precepts established here several years ago.



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